
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Coffee Ice-cream

My favorite ice-cream flavor is Perry's Bittersweet Symphony.  Coffee flavored ice-cream with ribbons of bittersweet chocolate running through it.

But Bittersweet Symphony this ice-cream is NOT.  Don't get me wrong, it's pretty good, considering...But it needs work.  Like maybe the next time I'll remember to add the vanilla and the pinch of salt.  And maybe I won't over cook the milk to the point that it starts to curdle (become lumpy).

I greatly enjoy the flavor of coffee ice-cream, but when you've eliminated caffine from your diet, even the little bit from the ice-cream is enough to keep you up at night.  Especially if your eating your ice-cream, moments before bed.  Which is a really GREAT habit to be in, I know.

Bittersweet Cafe au Lait Ice-Cream
Adapted from both and the Deni Manual
1 1/2 cups whole decaffenated coffee beans
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup whole milk
2 cups cream, divided
3 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla
pinch of salt

  • COMBINE milk, sugar, 1/2 cup cream, and beans in a medium saucepan and heat on medium until hot and steamy, but NOT boiling.
  • REMOVE from heat and allow beans to steep in milk at room temp for one hour.
  • PLACE remaining cream in medium bowl over ice in a larger bowl.  Whisk eggs in small bowl and set aside.
  • RETURN milk mixture to heat and get it hot and steamy again, without boiling.  Pour one third of the milk mixture into the eggs, whisking constantly to temper the eggs.  Then add eggs to saucepan with milk.
  • HEAT egg and milk mixture over med-low heat, stirring constantly until thickened to create a custard.  The custard should coat the back of the spoon.
  • POUR the custard into the cream, add the vanilla and salt and stir to combine.  
  • COVER the top with plastic wrap, pressing the wrap to contact the surface so that a skim does not form, and refrigerate until completely cooled.
  • FREEZE according to ice-cream maker's manufacturers instructions.

I completely forgot both the vanilla and salt and curdled my milk...And it still tasted OK.  I'm sure you'll have even better luck.

The weather is getting cold but all I can think about is ice-cream.  Does that make me crazy?  

Don't answer that.

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