Until just recently I didn't know anything about Angry Birds. OK, I knew it was a smartphone game, but I'm not into that sort of thing. So I had never seen it. Then the cake request came.
Thank GOD for the internet. I was on it constantly searching images for "angry birds".
I wanted the birds (and pigs) to be really tasty, so instead of making them out of fondant, I made Oreo Bon Bons! Oreo cookies crushed and mixed with cream cheese. Man I love those things!
I covered them with melted candy wafers, so they are not as perfectly smooth as I would have liked. But I ate the extras and they were fabulous. And as always, what really matters, is that the birthday girl was happy with the cake.
I think she was pleased. What do you think?
I think it was awesome!!! Thank you so much! Joanne